Elevator Pitch Practice! (Part 2!)

1) The pitch. Same as last time, about 90-seconds long. No Web cams. No sitting. Be dynamic! Upload the video to YouTube (as you do with all of your videos) and post the link.
Link to Youtube video: https://youtu.be/Zs13PRe7M0I

2) A reflection on the feedback I received from my last pitch. 

I only had one individual comment on my elevator pitch, and it was all good feedback. I've attached his response below. I found it helpful that he believed I connected the vision of the University of Florida as a community to the prospect of my new coffee service, Whidbey Coffee. From this feedback, I knew I was making the product more convincing to members of the UF community - and I wanted to make sure I kept this aspect of my pitch as I moved forward.
"Hi Caitlyn, thank you for posting your elevator pitch. You did a great job connecting the vision of UF as a community to the prospect of this new coffee service. When you related supporting UF students to offering an alternative to Starbucks it made the product more convincing as a member of the UF community. It is interesting to think of the success of another coffee shop on campus competing with Starbucks. While it would increase the quality of the product from Starbucks, it would be difficult to get it established given the amount of contracts Starbucks has with the rest of campus. Good use of open-ended questions to captivate the audience! Tyler"
3) What did you change, based on the feedback?

Since I only had one individual comment on my elevator pitch, and it was all good feedback - I had to work and draft ways to improve upon my initial pitch. I knew that my first pitch was just barely 90 seconds and I didn't go too fast, so I added more appealing information to my pitch to make sure I was maximizing my time more effectively.

Given the customer avatar post I just completed, I also wanted to make sure I "set the scene" to appeal to my ideal customer with the attributes I had identified and researched.

Given the recent developments with COVID-19, being an out-of-state student from Washington state, and having to stay at a colleagues apartment - it was extremely difficult to make this second pitch more dynamic. Moreover, I am stuck with no professional business attire - so I had to wear one of my work polos. My apologies!

"Are you a student or faculty member at the University of Florida? Do you enjoy coffee? Where do you purchase it? Well the only place to purchase it on campus, Starbucks. On the University of Florida campus we have over 7 Starbucks across campus.  
Are you tired of the same coffee selection and high costs? Limited to no seating availability? Long lines? Well wait no longer, because I am preparing to open a Whidbey Coffee franchise on campus! Whidbey Coffee is a well-known franchise within the Pacific Northwest. With varying prices, new and innovative products, and a relaxing environment with much more seating to support our University of Florida students and faculty.  
As a resident within the state of Washington, the coffee state some may say, where Starbucks originated, and as a military child... I've tried a great deal of coffee. And Whidbey Coffee has been the best. The best coffee. The best products. The best environment. And the best prices.  With 52,367 students at the University of Florida, 5,000 faculty members, and only Starbucks facilities - there is a great need for this opportunity. Do you want to spark a change and invest in our students and community? Invest in Whidbey Coffee." 


  1. Hi Caitlyn!
    After seeing your post on this assignment about using your feedback, I have found things that I could have done better on my own post. I love how you tried to connect your product and your idea to the overall vision of this university. Having your brand/image being associated with our great UF culture is invaluable. Also, great statistics. Thank you for putting time into this assignment, it’s really good and your video is great.
    Good Job!

  2. Caitlyn,

    I think you did a great job analyzing your old pitch and identifying ways in which you could improve. I think you still did great job delivering your pitch and convincing people to support Whidbey Coffee! Personally, I would love to have more coffee options on UF's campus

  3. Hi Caitlyn, thanks for sharing! I think it is very evident that you took suggestions into account and made improvements to this pitch from your last one. It definitely seems to me like the improvements you made would be effective to a potential investor or customer. I liked how specific you were with UF as well as you want to open this specific location at UF and as such need to be campus-specific. I would definitely be swayed by this pitch so I think you did a great job!

  4. Hi Caitlyn,

    Thank you for the detailed elevator pitch. Since I wrote the previous feedback for the last elevator pitch you made, I appreciate the additional information you added to refine it - I think it did make it more appealing. Some of the pros of this pitch was your delivery: being engaged, clear, and concise. The examples you gave of the differences in this coffee to Starbucks were tangible and visual (spacing, food, taste). This was a strong improvement from your previous assignment descriptions. As well as the specific statistics you referenced that gave evidence of your research and knowledge on the subject of which coffee shops on campus are better than others and why this one is worth investing in. I believe areas to improve are to make the attributes that make Whidbey coffee even more specific compared to Starbucks. Why should I invest here if Starbucks clearly has popularity on campus? Even if it is the only place to go. What aspects of the food, the environment, and the coffee are unique compared to other brands. Is it the study resources that are provided in the environment or the way in which the beans are picked and processed? Some things to consider. - Tyler

    1. *the attributes that make Whidbey coffee better than Starbucks more specific


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